Academic Withdrawal

Sponsor: Office of Academic Affairs
Contact: Office of the Registrar
Category: Academic
Number: 100.025
Effective Date: Feb. 28, 2002
Implementation History: Feb. 28, 2002 current (and original)
Keywords: Academic withdrawal


The purpose of this policy is to define academic withdrawal.


Definitions are embedded in this policy statement.


Students may withdraw from a class until the last day of an enrollment term. However, the actual date of withdrawal may affect enrollment charges, enrollment status, and financial aid eligibility.

The student must submit a withdrawal request in writing to Office of the Registrar or can withdraw from classes online in Self Service Banner. The effective date is the date the student transmits the request.

Effect on Enrollment Status

The effective date of the withdrawal may affect the full- or part-time enrollment status of the student. For the purpose of establishing enrollment status, enrolled credits are the number of registered credits after day 28 of the enrollment term. For example, a student who first enrolls for 12 credits and withdraws from one 4-credit class on or before day 28 remains enrolled for only 8 credits and is no longer considered full time. If the student withdraws after day 28, he or she is considered full time.

A withdrawal that results in a change from full- to part-time enrollment status can jeopardize the student’s financial aid eligibility.

For information on the effect on financial aid eligibility, see the statements on Eligibility for New York State Financial Aid and Eligibility for Federal Financial Aid.

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices